Which type of raisins you choose is up to you. Golden raisins – which are dried via dehydration in specialized machines – tend to be moister and plumper than regular raisins, which are air dried and have a chewier texture. Both types of raisins offer health benefits and have similar nutritional content.

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, golden and regular raisins are virtually identical. Both supply about 3 percent of your daily iron intake requirements, and about 5 percent of your daily potassium. You’ll also get a significant amount of copper – about 10 percent of the daily value – which nourishes your connective tissues, supports brain function and helps your cells produce energy.

Golden and regular raisins also supply tiny amounts of certain B vitamins. Eat an ounce of either raisin, and you’ll get trace amounts of riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B-6. Collectively, these keep your metabolism revving – though, since raisins aren’t especially high in these nutrients, you’ll need a well-rounded diet to see the benefits.

Since there are no significant nutritional differences between golden and regular raisins, which one you choose is all about which flavor and texture you prefer. And, thankfully, both types are easy to incorporate in your healthy diet.

In addition to eating raisins as a snack on their own, try combining ’em with toasted oats and chopped walnuts for “oatmeal cookie” muesli that you can add to Greek yogurt. Use raisins to add pops of sweetness to braised pork or tagines, or blend a few raisins into your morning smoothie to amp up the sweetness without refined sugar.

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