
Save more with WishFruits! We give you the lowest prices on all your Dry fruits needs.

Wishfruits is a low-price online store that gets products across categories like wide ranges of almonds, cashews, raisins, apricots, walnuts and all kinds of dry fruits delivered to your doorstep.

  • Choose from wide range of products at prices lower than supermarkets every day!
  • Assured Quality

Our facilities of manual cleaning, sorting and packaging makes sure that the Food Safety & Hygiene of all the products is maintained.


We hope you enjoy consuming our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

Food Safety
On Time Delivery


We hope you enjoy consuming our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. .

  • Low Price Then Other Competitors.
  • Assured Quality.
  • Ontime Delivery.
  • Hygenic Food Processing.
  • Food Safety.

Assured Quality

Wishfruits belives in quality.we provides you a quality and certified product .

Food Safety

Wishfruits belives in food seafty and hygenic food. We provides you food seafty certified products.

Wide Range

Wishfruits provides you a wide range of products for your kitchen and snacks on single store.

Low Price

Wishfruits provides you a quality products in a low prices.