Seeds are good sources of plant-based, healthy fats, fiber and minerals,” says Famous dietitian And for such a tiny package, the impacts on your body are massive. Seeds are loaded with iron calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and many more

  • Iron – Which helps you make proteins that carry oxygen-rich blood throughout your body.
  • Calcium – Critical for bone health.
  • MagnesiumA mineral that helps with hydration and bowel and brain health — and one we often don’t have enough of.
  • Phosphorus – Important for many body functions, including repairing cells and filtering waste.

Flaxseed, or flax, is loaded with fiber, protein and potassium. It’s also a great source of lignans. “Lignans are a polyphenol, which is a type of antioxidant. While lignans are in other plant sources, flaxseed contains 75 to 800 times more lignans than other plant foods.

Chia seeds are an excellent plant-based source of omega-3 fats, or alpha linolenic acid. So if you’re not a big fish eater, chia seeds can help you fill the void.

To make a chia gel, combine 1/4 cup of water with 1 tablespoon of chia seeds. Let them sit for about 10 minutes. This serving size would be equal to one egg if you’re using it as an egg substitute.

Patton says you can also make a vegan pudding with almond milk and chia seeds. “Again, I would start with just a tablespoon or two because of their fiber content.”

Why pumpkin seeds are good for you

Also known as pepitas, are a great source for lots of minerals, including zinc. “Zinc is known for helping our immunity.”

Studies have also shown that pumpkin seds can help lower your LDL, or bad cholesterol, and prevent muscle weakness.

How to eat pumpkin seeds

Whether you grab them off the shelf or carve them right out of the pumpkin, pumpkin seeds are incredibly versatile. You can eat them shelled or unshelled (pro tip: Unshelled seeds have more fiber). Snack on them on their own or mix them into salads or vegetables for some texture.

“Roasted pumpkin seds are also popular,” says Patton. “Simply bake them in the oven and add whatever seasonings you like. You can make them spicy or add turmeric or salt.”

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